We all know what the holidays mean, an endless amount of candies, sweets, and sugary beverages! While it’s tempting, remember that sugar can increase your susceptibility to gum disease and tooth decay. We’ll help keep your dental health in check with our holiday dental tips! Our advice is to be selective with your treats, trying to find sugar-free alternatives when possible. Fruits, vegetables, and cheese all make great alternatives. Cheese contains plenty of calcium, which is great for your teeth and can neutralize the acid in alcoholic beverages with its pH-balancing properties. Try and avoid frequent snacking, limiting yourself to only once or twice per day. Lastly, be diligent with your flossing and brushing! If you want to set up a dental appointment with the California Dental Care team, give us a call at (707) 741-6090 or contact us through the form on our website.